In this unit of study during Reader's Workshop, we are learning about the differences in fiction and nonfiction. We studied the differences and then we read a few biography. We then created a poster about our biography, a person that we read about and ended the unit of study with a sharing time and presentation. As an interpreter I made sure that my student/students understood the differences between fiction and nonfiction. This was somewhat easy because of the visual clues you can use to determine the differences. For example pictures taken vs. pictures drawn. Labels and titles are also an easy visual...Glossaries, indexes and table of content also are great give aways to the fact that the book is nonfiction...so getting the student to look for those visual clues really help him/her understand that the book is "real" and not "pretend". This was a very fun study and all the students couldn't wait to share their posters with the rest of the class.
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