Students hard work of visualization.
Weekly Poems
Each week Mrs. Egli's class reads a poem. We spend a whole week working on the poem...we talk about what the poem means, look at sentence structure and punctuation, and use visualisation to help us connect with the poem. We use the poem as a writing model for creating their very own poems sometimes. As the HI, for my student, I help him/her understand what the teacher wants and give examples of the right answers. Then the student interacts by following the information given. Also I make sure the poem is in sign so that the student can sign right along with the class, when they read the poem out loud everyday. (This help with adding new
language to the students vocabulary.) Each day we do something new with the poem...sometimes we look for words that rhyme, sometimes we look at punctuation, sometimes we use schema to understand the poem and we always use visualisation! In the pictures above you can see the class at work with their visualization. How the material is presented, to the HI student and, some of the work from the student....This student's work this week was so wonderful and I wanted to share the poem the was written by him/her.
Happy Birthday
Birthday cake...
Ice cream hot dogs and pop!
Very, Very, Very good party.
I love my Harry Potter
Birthday cake!
Fun, Fun, Fun...
For everyone.
Schema really played a roll in this understanding of the poem... because the student can relate to this birthday party, he/she just had one.
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