This is our last week of Sign Club. The students are already asking for the Club to continue next year...SO...for sure!! I am very excited about working more with the students! Starting in January, we learned many things. How to finger spell with our abc's, we learned the Pledge, we learned family signs, animal sings, greeting and good-byes. The students hard work paid off and they were invited by the School Board to share their knowledge at the next meeting. On May 26th a small group of students representing the 90 students will give a small presentation. They are such great students!! Here you see some of the student creating a background for the skits that they will preform on our last day of sign club...they are so excited about using their signs and putting on a small skit. It will be so fun to see what they come up with...the assignment was easy...they are an animal and the rest is up the them. What a wonderful journey this year has been!